Krista Riukula

Welcome to my site! I am Krista Riukula, a Researcher at ETLA Economic Research and a Research Fellow at IZA. I received my Dr. Sc. in Economics from Aalto University School of Business in 2018.

Research interests:  Applied microeconomics, labour economics, human capital development, health economics, urban economics

Email: krista.riukula(at)


Peer-reviewed publications: 

'The Impact of an Early Career Shock on Intergenerational Mobility". (with M. Kaila and E. Nix).  Journal of Labor Economics.

'Preference for boys: Still a trend? Evidence from individual-level data from Finland, 1960- 2015' Review of Economics of the Household 

"Parental job loss and children’s career choices" (with K. Huttunen). Labour Economics (2024).

'The Costs of Job Loss and Task Usage: Do Social Tasks Soften the Drop?" (with A. Kauhanen). Empirical Economics (2024). 

"Decentralized Wage Bargaining and Health". (with Haapanen, M., Kauhanen, A. and T. Maczulskij) Accepted at Economics and Human Biology

"The Incidence and Effects of Decentralized Wage Bargaining in Finland". (with A. Kauhanen and T. Maczulskij). Journal of Labor Research (2024).

'The Effects of Screening for Gestational Diabetes" Empirical Economics  65, 1931–1964 (2023). 

 "Gender differences in multiple choice questions and the risk of losing points" Journal of the Finnish Economic Association 1, 35-45 (2023)

Working papers:

'Childhood Shocks and Fertility: Evidence from Parental Job Loss'

'The Effect of Regional Supply of Education on Schooling Choices and Educational Attainment' (joint with Hanna Virtanen)

Work in progress:

'Stay Home and Stay Married? The Effect of Child Home Care Allowance on Marital Stability'

'Accessibility between workplaces and agglomeration benefits' (with T. Väänänen)

'Estimating the Labour Marker Impacts of Transport Projects in Finland' (with T. Väänänen)

'Information provision and lifelong learning: Evidence from a field experiment., AEA RCT Registry:  (with A. Kauhanen, H. Karhunen, J-P. Ollikainen, T. Suhonen, and H. Virtanen)'

'Experimental evaluation of an outreach program for lifelong learning', AEA RCT Registry: (with A. Kauhanen, H. Karhunen, J-P. Ollikainen, T. Suhonen, and H. Virtanen)'

Selected publications and policy reports in Finnish:

'Kasautumisen vaikutus tuottavuuteen: Työpaikkojen välisen saavutettavuuden vaikutus toimipaikkoihin ja työntekijöihin' (with T. Haapamäki, O. Harjunen, A. Kauhanen, V. Kuivalainen, N. Valmari and T. Väänänen)

'Selvitys tehokkaan tiheyden mittarista' (with P. Blomqvist, A. Kauhanen and H. Metsäranta) 

'Kasautumisvaikutusten arvioinnin menetelmät liikennejäjestelmän kehittämisen vaikutustarkastelussa' (with T. Haapamäki, A. Kauhanen, S. Laakso, H. Metsäranta, M. Ojanperä and T. Väänänen) 

'Liikennehankkeiden työmarkkinavaikutusten arviointikehikko – ehdotus',  (with A. Kauhanen and H. Metsäranta) 

'Liikennejärjestelmän työmarkkinavaikutukset ja niiden arviointi',  (with H. Metsäranta, A. Kauhanen and P. Fornaro)